JPA implementation with Spring Boot and Spring JPA DATA with Hibernate

This page has been fully written by
Rubie de Oliveira (Epita, AppingX-2020)
Romain Sauvaire (Epita, AppingX-2020)
and validated by Thomas Broussard


What’s an ORM ?

An ORM (Object/Relational Mapping) is a technique that allows you to query and manipulate data from any database using an object-oriented language.
It greatest feature is that it allows you to handle your database objects as if it was simple local objects. You don’t need to write complex SQL queries anymore!

Object-Relational Impedance Mismatch

Unfortunately, sometimes, it can happen that there is a mismatch between your relational object (in the database) and your object model (written in your favorite language).

It can happens for multiple reasons :



JPA stands for : "Java Persistence API".
JPA is considered to be the standard industry approach for object to relational mapping (ORM).
JPA is, just as J2E, just a specification. It’s just a set of interfaces which requires an implementation.

Persistence ?

For an object to be persistent, it has to lives on after the application is shut down.
In other words, it means the object has to be save in a database.

Spring Data JPA

To illustrate the power of an ORM, we will use Spring implementation of JPA : Spring Data JPA

Tools used

First of all, here’s a list of all the tools we will use in this tutorial :


We will first create a new maven project with Spring Data JPA and Spring boot.
To do it, we will use Spring Initializr here. (which is embedded in Intellij IDEA Ultimate Edition)


Once our project is set up, we’re going to create our first entity.
To do so, we’re going to create a new package first, named entities, then a new Java class named Moto.
Then, have a look at this class :

There is a lot of thing going on there! Let’s have a look at them one by one:

The other object’s properties (brand, model, ...) are not annotated because we want them to be mapped to columns that share the same name.
We can also see that :


Next thing we need is a repository. We can see it as the Java representation of the database table, with all its data in it!
We will use this repository to insert, update and remove from the database table.
Let’s take a look at the interface, it’s pretty simple :

First of all, well, it’s an interface! Indeed, we don’t need to create a class here. Thus, this interface needs to extends CrudRepository<T, ID>. In our case, our T is the Moto class, and its ID is simply a Long.
Next, we can see the annotation "@Repository" which tells Spring that this is our repository we will use for the Moto class. Finally, we can see 2 methods signatures. We don’t have to implements them, Spring Data JPA will understand easily what we want to do here.
But we have to give it a hint :


If you take a look at your source root directory, you should see a file named ''. It contains the main() method to launch your spring application.
We need to modify this class :

A lot of things are going on here! Let’s explain them:

Using MotoRepository

Now that everything is set up, we can finally use our newly created repository!
Well, you must’ve guessed, we will code inside the run() function in our JpaTutorialApplication class.
First of all, we want to add some motorcycles to this repository. To do so, we will use the following code :

Then, we want to get all Yamaha motorcycles :

Let’s check the logger :

Everything is fine, we manage to print our motorcycles!

Persistence ?

What about persistence here ?
If I launch my Spring application, the repository gets 2 new motorcycles, but nothing is persistent here, it gets deleted everytime the Spring application is shut down.
Right, we need to connect our application to a database then ! Let’s use a simple MySQL database for this matter.
We won’t go in details about how to set up MySQL here.

From now on, every screenshot of the database will be taken from DataGrip

Once everything is set up, simply create a new database called 'jpatutorial'. If everything went well, you should have something like that :

Then, we have to tell our Spring application where this database is. To do so, we must edit the file 'src/resources/' :

spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto : multiple possibilities here :

Now, launch your Spring application and let your code add new motorcycles to the repository.
When the application shuts down, look at your database :

2 new tables have been created :

Let’s take a look inside this moto table :

And here we have the data we added in our code. That’s it, we got our data persistence!
